Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Rooftop Chef's Garden at Naples Rib Co.

It's been on our minds for a while now, but Naples Rib Co. has finally decided to put its ample rooftop space to good use by installing a rooftop chef's garden. So when you see "Rooftop Salad" on our specials menu, you can take it literally!

This concept, while both sustainable and environmentally friendly, provides customers with produce ingredients that cannot be equaled in freshness. Having an on-site garden means the ingredients in the rooftop salad have never seen the inside of a refrigerator truck and allows our chefs to select varieties of produce that aren't widely commercially available, such as chioggia beets and other heirloom vegetables.

Usually, only home gardeners are the only ones who have the opportunity to savor just-harvested veggies. Now, at Naples Rib Co., diners will be partaking of such delicacies harvested just minutes before doors open for dinner, and sometimes even during the dinner service, should we run low.

Our rooftop garden uses an extremely efficient, timed drip irrigation system, which is turned off during rainy weather, like we're having now, to further conserve natural resources. The produce is being grown organically, without pesticides or synthetic fertilizers. Additionally, we've created an on-site composting system to make sure the garden is waste-free.

We started this growing area as a large kitchen garden, but with lots of space still available on the roof, and with your valued patronage, we hope to augment the rooftop garden so that you might even call it a farm.

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